Intro Video for Project
Building a People/Animal Counter or a Node-Red Flow
Project Info:
Tools and Product
Node-Red is is an open-source, block-based or (aka “drag-and-drop”) programming tool developed by the IBM Emerging Technology Team for “wiring” devices and software to communicate with one another within the Internet of Things. Another open source tool introduced in this project is Ubidots, an web based API (Application Programming Interface) that specifies structure of data that will be exchanged between devices connected to the Cloud.This all might sound a bit complex, but Node-Red doesn’t require the user to do any text-based coding, so it is a great tool for people to get started with learning about the IoT. Node-Red currently comes bundled with the most recent version of the Raspbian operating system, Jessie, for Raspberry Pi. Node-Red allows users to build "flows" which are graphical representations of devices communicating via the Cloud, collecting, transferring, analyzing, and sharing data.
For this project, students will be borrowing portions of code and concepts from a variety of provided online resources which are included in the Links for Online Resources doc. This unit of study will take approximately three weeks to complete and will culminate with students presenting their final projects to their classmates, teachers, parents, and possibly computer science mentors from the local community.